More About Me


Growing up in Zimbabwe, my dad collected aloes. We had a rockery in our garden in Harare which was a spectacular display of aloes. We even named our home in Harare “Excelsa” after my Dad’s favourite aloe. Winter in Southern Africa is still one of my favourite times of the year, because the aloes bloom in a variety of colours. Against the backdrop of the golden African veld, the aloe majestically displays its amber, red, ochre or yellow blooms.

When I was thinking of what to name my photography passion, I kept coming back to the majestic aloe. I take photos to tell a story. It helps me slow down and notice the world. Through the lens, I have learned to see differently and I hope that as others see my photos that awareness and collaboration would result.

My photography passions are in the area of photo journalism and portraiture, specifically:

  • documention of culture and lifestyles
  • preserving heritage
  • granting a voice to the voiceless
  • informing the world about issues related to food security, HIV and AIDS, poverty, unemployment, violence, injustice
  • challenging paradigms of international development
  • matching assets and resources to needs
  • empowering people

All the work that I currently do is non profit.

Thank you for sharing in my passion,

Kerry Wiens